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Press Release

Statistics of Credit Card , Cash Card , Electronic Stored Value Cards & Electronic Payment Institutions Business Operation as of August 2020

As of August 2020, thirty-three credit card issuing institutions were in operation in Taiwan. The number of effective cards totaled 49.39 million (49.15 million at the end of July 2020 ) among which the total active cards numbered in 32.36 million (32.28 million at the end of July 2020 ). The balance of revolving credit was NT$103.4 billion (NT$102.3 billion at the end of July 2020 ). The amount of undue balance of installment was approximately NT$159.6 billion (NT$163.2 billion at the end of July 2020 ). The amount of monthly retail sales was approximately NT$234.7 billion (NT$362.6 billion for July 2020 ). The amount of monthly write-off was approximately NT$0.3 billion (NT$0.4 billion for of July 2020 ). Average ratio of delinquency credit (pass-due over three months) against account receivables (including non-accrual amounts) was 0.17% (equivalent to the number of July 2020) (Please see Attachment 1).
2. Cash Card:
As of August 2020, fourteen financial institutions were engaging in cash cards business in Taiwan. Total number of effective cash cards was 0.36 million(equivalent to the number of July 2020 ). Total balance of cash card loans (including non-accrual amounts) was NT$14.5 billion (NT$14.6 billion at the end of July 2020 ). The amount of monthly write-off was approximately NT$0.02 billion (equivalent to the number of July 2020). The overall delinquency ratio was 0.955% (0.963% at the end of July 2020 ) (Please see Attachment 2).
3. Electronic Stored Value Card:
As of August 2020, four specialized electronic stored value card institutions and one commercial bank were engaging in electronic stored value card business in Taiwan. The number of effective cards totaled 130.5 million (129.49 million at the end of July 2020 ). The number of cards in using was 14.12 million (13.92 million for July 2020 ). The amount of monthly retail sales was approximately NT$7.69 billion (NT$7.73 billion for July 2020 ). The balance of stored value was NT$10.96 billion (NT$10.81 billion at the end of July 2020 ) (Please see Attachment 3).
4. Electronic Payment Institutions Business:
As of August 2020, there were five specialized electronic payment institutions, and twenty-three electronic payment institutions were concurrently engaging in other businesses (included dual-status banks, Chunghwa Post Co, Ltd, and electronic stored value cards issuers). The number of users totaled 10.08 million (9.66 million at the end of July 2020 ). The amount of funds collected & paid as an agent for real transactions was 5.52 billion (5.27 billion for July 2020 ). The amount of funds for transfer between e-payment accounts was 2.12 billion (2.08 billion for July 2020 ). The amount of stored value funds was 7.04 billion (6.7 billion for July 2020 ). The balance of the e-payment accounts in the e-payment institutions totaled 2.93 billion (2.87 billion at the end of July 2020 )(Please see Attachment 4).
5. Attachments 5 to 8 please see the major business information concerning credit cards, cash cards, electronic stored value cards and electronic payment institutions business as of August 2020.
  • Visitor: 1589
  • Update: 2020-10-06