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Important Measures

Promulgation of the measures to enhance protection of the interests of joint guarantors

In order to help joint guarantors fully understand responsibilities incurred by their guarantee and enhance protection of their rights and interests, the FSC has supervised the Bankers Association of the ROC’s amendment to Paragraph 2 of Article 20 of the Guideline Governing Credit Granted by Members. From January 1, 2019, for maximum guarantee for an indefinite period of time when banks extend credit business with joint guarantors, banks are required to give written notification to joint guarantors on an annual basis. The notification shall inform such joint guarantors of the amount of maximum guarantee, the amount of guaranteed liability on the record date of the month and the information that the amount of guaranteed liability will vary with the borrowing amount within the credit line. The notification requirement shall be waived when the credit granted to the major borrower has become a non-performing loan, the overseas branch of the bank and OBU has signed a guarantee contract or the guarantor has said he/she does not want to receive such notification.
  • Visitor: 952
  • Update: 2019-06-14