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Important Measures

Amendments of Directions for Futures Commission Merchants Accepting Brokerage Orders from Futures Traders for Day Trades in Foreign Futures

Considering the discrepancies between the regulations governing futures commission merchants accepting brokerage orders for day trades in foreign futures and the self-regulation rules and market practices of day trades in domestic futures, the FSC introduced the amendments of the Directions on August 24, 2016. The main amendments include: (1) the procedure of futures commission merchants reviewing the applications of traders for day trades in foreign futures shall adopt the trading practices of domestic futures and streamline the internal operation of the company; (2) in order to prevent dispute with traders when a futures commission merchant offsets the position of day trades in foreign futures compulsorily, the futures commission merchant is required to have control mechanism and operating guidelines in its internal control system to protect rights of the trader.
  • Visitor: 796
  • Update: 2016-10-17