About This Section
In order to acquaint all quarters of society with the development of finance in Taiwan and benefit our users by providing easy access to financial information, the FSC presents related data in this "Taiwan's International Financial Competitiveness" section, which includes:
1. Financial markets
1.1. Degree of internationalization
1.1.1. Convergence with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
1.1.2. Share of aggregate market capitalization held by foreign investors (stock exchanges; OTC markets)
1.1.3. Foreign denominated bonds outstanding
1.1.4. Operating revenues of overseas branch units (incl. OBUs) of domestic banks
1.1.5. Pre-tax earnings of overseas branch units (incl. OBUs) of domestic banks
1.1.6. Measures to bring market maturity up to international standards
1.1.7. Financial industry consolidation & foreign equity participation
1.2. Ease of obtaining business loans
1.2.1. Outstanding amount of SME loans by domestic banks
1.2.2. Outstanding loans of domestic banks as percentage of GDP
1.3. Bank soundness
1.3.1. Avg. NPL ratio of domestic banks
1.3.2. Avg. NPL coverage ratio of domestic banks
1.3.3. Avg. capital adequacy ratio of domestic banks
1.3.4. Avg. ratio of Tier I capital to risk-weighted assets among domestic banks
1.3.5. Avg. ROA among domestic banks
1.3.6. Avg. ROE among domestic banks
2. Bank efficiency
2.1. Bank assets as share of GDP
2.2. Financial services output as share of GDP
2.3. Credit cards in circulation
2.4. Aggregate credit card debt
2.5. Banking units per 100,000 population
3. Stock market efficiency (ease of raising capital on stock market)
3.1. Aggregate market capitalization (unit: NT$1 billion)
3.2. Aggregate market capitalization as share of GDP
3.3. Stock market trading volume, Stock market turnover rate, P/E ratio
3.4. Domestic companies with an exchange listing
3.5. Share of aggregate market capitalization held by foreign investors
3.6. Stock index volatility
3.7. Measures to strengthen protection of shareholders equity
3.8. Measures to implement financial institution transparency
4. Insurance efficiency
4.1. Insurance density
4.2. Insurance penetration
5. Corporate governance
5.1. Legal provisions to promote corporate governance, and implementation thereof
5.2. Enhancement of market transparency
6. Table of financial holding companies established
- Visitor: 16550
- Update: 2025-01-15