Financial Opendata
The list of financial information that has been opened as follows. For more information, please link to the " Government Website Open Information".(
Data Provider | Items |
Financial Supervisory Commission | 142 |
Banking Bureau | 406 |
Securities and Futures Bureau | 650 |
Insurance Bureau | 247 |
Financial Examination Bureau | 35 |
Central Deposit Insurance Corporation | 16 |
Total(2019.5.28) | 1496 |
*FSC gender equality open datasets
*FSC OpenData Consulting Committees Lists of the year 2016
*FSC OpenData Consulting Committees Lists of the year 2017
*FSC OpenData Consulting Committees Lists of the year 2018
*The First meeting record of FSC OpenData Consulting Committees of the year 2015
*The Second meeting record of FSC OpenData Consulting Committees of the year 2015
*The First meeting record of FSC OpenData Consulting Committees of the year 2016
*The Second meeting record of FSC OpenData Consulting Committees of the year 2016
*The First meeting record of FSC OpenData Consulting Committees of the year 2017
*The Second meeting record of FSC OpenData Consulting Committees of the year 2017
*The First meeting record of FSC OpenData Consulting Committees of the year 2018
*The Second meeting record of FSC OpenData Consulting Committees of the year 2018
*The First meeting record of FSC OpenData Consulting Committees of the year 2019
* Financial OpenData Policy of FSC
- Visitor: 15014
- Update: 2021-09-13