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Overseas Visit Report

NAIC International Fellows 2021(Fall)

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) developed a formal International Internship Program in 2005 to advance working relations with foreign markets, emphasizing the exchange of regulatory techniques and technology.
Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the NAIC can not offer the in-person Fellows Program but a VIRTUAL Program this fall. 92 regulators from 29 countries took part in the week-long (10/18-10/22) Fall Virtual International Program.
The intensive week-long course allows for participants to learn about all aspects of U.S. State-Based Insurance Regulation, such as supervision structure, solvency framework, risk management, and network security and series. Participants will have a deeper understanding of the U.S. state-based insurance system after completing the course.
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  • Visitor: 1098
  • Update: 2024-07-02