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Overseas Visit Report

FRB Risk Management and Internal Controls Seminar Report

In order to strengthen interaction and cooperation with central banks and bank supervisory agencies in other countries, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and Federal Reserve Banks hold international training courses every year, allowing supervisors from various countries to participated in training.
The course I participated in was "Risk Management and Internal Controls Seminar ", which was held at the Federal Reserve Board Training Center in Washington, DC, from August 7 to August 10, 2023. The course content included the Fed's supervisory responsibilities, risk‐focused supervision, the four pillars of risk management, and examination practices and skills for various risks (such as operational risk, credit risk, market risk and liquidity risk, etc.). By participating in this course, it helped participants to understand the Fed's examination practices in risk management supervision and improve their examination skills.
It is recommended that we could continuously assign personnel to participate in training courses or seminars organized by financial supervision agencies in other countries to improve our financial examination efficiency and effectiveness.
This report includes four chapters, Chapter 1 introduces the purpose of the course, Chapter 2 is the name, date and introduction of the course, Chapter 3 is a summary of course content, and Chapter 4 is thoughts and suggestions.
  • Visitor: 224
  • Update: 2024-01-11