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Outward investments and profits of listed companies by 2022 Q2

1.    Outward Investments and profits from China:(amount in NTD)
(1)    As of 2022 Q2, 1,198 listed companies (679 TWSE- and 519 TPEx-listed companies) had investments in China accounting for 72.3% of total 1,657 listed companies, a decrease of 10 companies relative to the end of 2021.
(2)    As of 2022 Q2, the accumulated outflow of investments in China of TWSE-listed and TPEx-listed companies were 2,391 billion and 251 billion respectively with a total of 2,642 billion, an increase of 113 billion from the end of 2021.
(3)    In 2022 Q2, the profits from investments in China of TWSE-listed and TPEx-listed companies were 190 billion and 14 billion respectively with a total of 204 billion. The total profits ranked second highest over the decade despite a YOY decrease of 39 billion.
(4)    In 2022 Q2, the inflow of profits from investments in China of listed companies were 40 billion. As of 2022 Q2, the accumulated inflow of profits from investments in China of TWSE-listed and TPEx-listed companies were 575 billion and 55 billion respectively. The total amount was 630 billion accounting for 23.83% of the accumulated outflow of Investments in China of 2,642 billion.
2.    Outward Investments and profits excluding China: (amount in NTD)
(1)    As of 2022 Q2, 1,285 listed companies (724 TWSE- and 561 TPEx-listed companies) had investments overseas excluding China accounting for 77.55% of total 1,657 listed companies, an increase of 4 companies relative to the end of 2021.
(2)    As of 2022 Q2, the accumulated outflow of investments of TWSE-listed and TPEx-listed companies were 6,751 billion and 709 billion respectively, totaling 7,460 billion, an increase of 307 billion from the end of 2021.
(3)    In 2022 Q2, the profits from investments of TWSE-listed and TPEx-listed companies were 603 billion and 21 billion respectively. The total profits were 624 billion, which hit a record with a YOY increase of 49 billion.
  • Visitor: 955
  • Update: 2022-09-08