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Press Release

Public Offering and Private Placement of Securities by Public Companies in 2022

I.    In 2022, there were 350 effective-after-filing cases of domestic capital raising by public companies with an amount of NT$703.674 billion; with 5 effective-after-filing cases of overseas capital raising with an amount of NT$62.564 billion, there were totally 355 effective-after-filing cases with a total amount of NT$766.238 billion. Compared with 422 cases in 2021 with a total amount of NT$105.033 billion, the number of cases decreased by 15.88%, and the amount decreased by 27.03%, mainly due to the impact of the interest rate increase by the Central Bank which affected the willingness of enterprises to issue debts, leading to a reduction of debt issuance scale.
II.    In 2022, there were 114 private placement cases by public companies of NT$167.861 billion (accounting for 17.97% of the total amount of both public and private placements). Compared with 105 cases in 2021 with a total amount of NT$63.129 billion, both the number and amount of cases increased mainly due to an increase in large-scale private placement cases of more than NT$10 billion in 2022.
III.    In 2022, the amount of funds raised domestically by public companies accounted for 91.83% of the total funds raised, and the amount of funds raised overseas accounted for 8.17% of the total funds raised, indicating that enterprises still rely mainly on domestic fund raising.
IV.    In 2022, the funds raised from public companies’ capital increase in cash and issuance of corporate bonds were mainly used for debt repayment.

Contact unit:    Section Chief Huang, Corporate Finance Division, Securities and Futures Bureau
Tel: (02) 2774-7295
For questions, please write to: 

Table 1 Statistics of the number of cases filed and amounts of funds raised by public companies
Monetary unit: NT$100 million
2022 2021 2020
Number Amount % of amount Number Amount % of amount Number Amount % of amount
Public offering 355 7,662.38 82.03% 422 10,500.33 94.33% 367 10,156.21 94.53%
Private placement 114 1,678.61 17.97% 105 631.29 5.67% 117 588.02 5.47%
Total 469 9,340.99 100.00% 527 11,131.61 100.00% 484 10,744.23 100.00%
Increase or decrease in the number of public offerings (%) -15.88% 14.99% 31.07%
Increase or decrease in the amount of public offerings (%) -27.03% 3.39% 77.01%
Increase or decrease in the number of private placements (%) 8.57% -10.26% 4.46%
Increase or decrease in the amount of private placements (%) 165.90% 7.36% -65.22%
Note: Public offering cases are based on the number of effective-after-filing cases and the amount of capital raised filed; private placement cases are based on the number and amount of private placements actually handled.

Table 2 Statistics of funds raised by public companies of domestic and overseas
Monetary unit: NT$100 million
2022 2021 2020
Number Amount % of amount Number Amount % of amount Number Amount % of amount
Domestic 350 7,036.74 91.83% 415 9,460.40 90.10% 360 9,362.71 92.19%
Overseas 5 625.64 8.17% 7 1,039.93 9.90% 7 793.50 7.81%
Total 355 7,662.38 100.00% 422 10,500.33 100.00% 367 10,156.21 100.00%
Note: The statistics are based on the number of effective-after-filing cases and the amount of capital raised filed.

Table 3 Summary of the applications of funds in domestic fund-raising plans of public companies
Monetary unit: NT$100 million
Application 2022 2021 2020
Number Amount % of amount Number Amount % of amount Number Amount % of amount
Expansion of plant and equipment 44 2,112.18 29.92% 65 2,938.09 30.90% 46 2,721.61 28.75%
Repayment of debts 186 2,828.68 40.08% 248 4,611.29 48.49% 205 5,476.52 57.86%
Replenishment of working capital 177 1,847.60 26.18% 188 1,428.76 15.03% 152 956.81 10.11%
Reinvestment 18 237.96 3.37% 18 369.20 3.88% 18 206.10 2.18%
M&A - - 0.00% 1 150 1.58% - - 0.00%
Others 7 32.00 0.45% 4 11.55 0.12% 6 103.85 1.10%
Total 432 7,058.42 100.00% 524 9,508.89 100.00% 427 9,464.89 100.00%
Note 1: The number of items in the table is more than that in the Table 2, because the calculation will be repeated when the funds raised are used for more than two purposes.
Note 2: The total amount in the table is different from the statistics in Table 2, mainly because the fund-raising plan of some cases also includes other sources of funds, such as the company's own funds or bank loans.

  • Visitor: 1239
  • Update: 2023-02-03