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Important Measures

FSC urges consumers who engage in forex margin trading to use legal channels to avoid being swindled

The FSC recently reminded consumers that forex margin trading is a type of futures trading subject to the provisions of the Futures Trading Act, and called on consumers to protect their own interests by trading via legitimate firms. The Regulations Governing Leverage Transaction Merchants, which the FSC issued on 12 July 2012, allow leverage transaction merchants to conduct forex margin trading and other types of leverage contract trading. The public who wish to conduct forex margin trading via a leverage contract merchant can visit the website of the FSC Securities and Futures Bureau to check a list of legitimate leverage contract merchants. Also, in order to keep consumers from being swindled by illegitimate futures merchants, the Securities and Futures Bureau website provides a list of “illegal types of futures business” and a special section focusing on how to avoid getting scammed by underground futures firms.
  • Visitor: 993
  • Update: 2020-07-14