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FSC launches Green Finance Action Plan 3.0 to spur financial services firms to actively assist net-zero transition

Sustainable development and net-zero emissions are core policy objectives throughout the world, including Taiwan. Accordingly, the FSC on 26 September 2022 launched the Green Finance Action Plan 3.0. The vision of the Action Plan 3.0 is to "integrate financial resources to support net-zero transition," which will be achieved through five implementation aspects, including deployment, funding, data, empowerment, and ecosystem, and 26 measures. The goals are to: (a) build consensus among financial services firms; (b) put forward and develop guidelines and data; (c) encourage financial services firms to understand the GHG emission of their own operations and of their investment and lending positions; (d) spur financial services firms to act on their own initiative to respond to and seize upon climate-related risks and opportunities; and (e) continue promoting financial services firms to support sustainable development and to drive companies to reduce their GHG emissions.
Building on a foundation previously set by Green Finance Action Plans 1.0 and 2.0, this newly launched Green Finance Action Plan 3.0 will continue guiding financial markets and the overall economy to attach proper importance to sustainability and climate change, to improve the climate resilience of financial services firms and the industries, and to further leverage the power of financial markets to enhance sustainable development in Taiwan and support the transition to a net-zero economy.
  • Visitor: 420
  • Update: 2022-11-16