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Important Measures

Trust 2.0-"The Promotion Plan for Full-Function Trust Services" Phase 2 Implementation Plan

To continue enhancing the functionality of trust services, the FSC on 29 September 2022 adopted Trust 2.0 - "The Promotion Plan for Full-Function Trust Services" Phase 2 Implementation Plan, which will be carried out from 1 September 2022 to 31 December 2024. Building on full-function trust services as they have been developed to date, this new Phase 2 Implementation Plan sets forth the following three core goals: (a) bring about trust services that satisfy people's needs at every stage of their lives; (b) expand and deepen the cross-industry alliances of trust enterprises; and (c) enable elderly persons, those with dementia, and people with disabilities to better understand trust services. The Phase 2 Implementation Plan also sets out 12 important measures designed to continue encouraging trust enterprises to develop trust services that are in synch with the changing times.
  • Visitor: 339
  • Update: 2022-11-16