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Administrative Fine Imposed on the Responsible Person of Billionton Systems Inc. (Listed Company 6172)

1.Date the fine was imposed:August 16, 2022
2.Recipient of the fine: Billionton Systems Inc.
3.Legal basis of the fine: Paragraphs 1(1) (2) of Article 36, Paragraph 1(4) of Article 178 and Article 179 of the Securities and Exchange Act
4.Facts of the violation and reasons: Taiwan Land Development Corporation failed to complete the Q3 2021 to Q2 2022 financial statement in accordance with Paragraph 1(1)(2) of Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act. 
5.Resulting fine: Sentenced to the fine, NT$720,000, in accordance with Paragraphs 1(1)(2) of Article 36, Paragraph 1(4) of Article 178 and Article 179 of the Securities and Exchange Act.
  • Visitor: 9008
  • Update: 2022-08-18